Our Work
building the future

Orang Asli Care
Yayasan Sunbeams Home Orang Asli Care is another urgently needed but challenging mission. The Orang Asli under our care are not orphans, but due to their harsh environment there is no comprehensive education system in their local area. Thus, having no other options...

Sunbeams Day Care
Sunbeams Day Care service began to help many single parents who needed to place their young children in a safe place while at work. We felt it was a good idea at the time since these parents would be able to work with gladdened hearts and to see, love and hug their...

Welfare Ministry
As the saying goes, "What comes around, goes around" We have been so greatly blessed by your generous giving, that we felt that we should not be the only ones partaking of the blessing. With that this ministry was started in 2004, with the mission of giving and...

Alor Gajah Branch
Sunbeams Home Alor Gajah, Melacca is the sister home of Sunbeams. It was started in 2007. It is run by a dedicated home manager, Anthony Foo who helps Pastor Alvin Tan to expand the social work in Melaka in a more remote area.

Girl’s Home
We have a total of 49 girls staying here. This house was offered to our girls to stay by a benevolent couple who renovated it before the girls moved in to stay in 2012.

Boy’s Home
This is also our headquarters and accommodation for boys aged between two years to 18 years of age. The building has since been expanded, renovated and completed in 2014 to three storeys to accommodate a total of 52 children.

Community Learning Centre
Our WorkCommunity Learning CentreThe Yayasan Sunbeams Home Community Learning Centre (CLC) was officially launched in 2008 when its founder Pastor Alvin Tan realized what disadvantaged and underprivileged children had to endure. These children came from divided/...